聖文殊師利遊戲大乘經 | 佛説大淨法門經 | 大莊嚴法門經 | The Miraculous Play of Mañjuśrī |
(1) ‹|| rgya gar skad du | ārya mañdzu1[注] śrī2[注] bi3[注] krī4[注] ḍi5[注] ta6[注] nā7[注] ma ma hā8[注] yā9[注] na sū10[注] tra ||11[注] bod skad du | ’phags›12[注] pa ’jam dpal rnam13[注] par rol pa źes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo ||14[注] | (1) (817a4)佛説大淨法門經 | (1) (825a25)大莊嚴法門經卷上(亦名文殊師利神通力經亦名勝金色光明徳女經) | (1) mañjuśrīvikrīḍito nāma mahāyānasūtraḥThe Miraculous Play of Mañjuśrī |
(2) ||15[注] bam po daṅ po16[注] ||17[注] saṅs rgyas daṅ 18[注] ‹byaṅ chub sems dpa’ thams (N329b) cad la phyag ’tshal lo || | (2) (5)西晋月支三藏竺法護譯 | (2) (27)隋天竺三藏那連提耶舍譯 | (2) Translation on the basis of the Tibetan and Chinese versions. |
(3) ’di skad bdag gis thos pa dus gcig na |› bcom ldan ’das rgyal po’i (S7a) khab na 19[注] bya rgod kyi20[注] phuṅ po’i ri la21[注] |22[注] dge sloṅ lṅa brgya tsam23[注] gyi dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun chen po daṅ | (T7a) byaṅ ‹chub sems dpa’ brgya24[注] stoṅ daṅ thabs cig25[注] tu bźugs26[注] te | | (3) (6)聞如是。一時佛遊王舍城靈鷲山。與大比丘(7)衆倶。比丘五百。菩薩八千。 一切大聖悉得總(8)持辯才無量。其所建立分別聖慧解三脱門。(9)於三世慧無所罣礙。得三昧定不可轉移。十(10)力無畏一切具足。 | (3) (28)如是我聞。一時佛在王舍城耆闍崛山。與大(29)比丘衆五百人。大菩薩衆八千人倶。 | (3) I. Thus I heard: Once the Lord stayed at the Vulture Peak in Rājagṛha with a great congregation of some five hundred monks and with eight thousand bodhisatvas (evaṃ mayā śrutam ekasmin samaye bhagavān rājagṛhe viharati sma gṛdhrakuṭe parvate mahatā bhikṣusaṃghena sārdhaṃ pañcamātrair bhikṣuśatair aṣṭābhiś1[注] ca bodhisatvasahasraiḥ). All [the bodhisatvas] were great beings (mahāsatva) having acquired the power of retaining in memory (dhāraṇīpratilabdha) and immeasurable eloquence (apramāṇapratibhāna), what discursive2[注] knowledge they might establish is the noble knowledge (āryajñāna) of the three gates of liberation (vimokṣamukha), their knowledge was unobstructed in the three worlds (trilokāpratihatajñāna), their concentration (samādhi) was undisturbed, and they had perfected the ten powers and intrepidities (daśabalavaiśāradyasaṃpanna).3[注] |
(4) de’i tshe rgyal po’i khab kyi groṅ khyer chen po na› 27[注] smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo ||28[注] gser mchog ’od dpal źes bya ba |29[注] gzugs bzaṅ źiṅ mdzes la30[注] blta31[注] na sdug32[注] pa | kha dog ‹bzaṅ po rgyas pa |33[注] mchog daṅ ldan pa (Q246b) źig ’dug ste |34[注]
bu mo de yaṅ35[注] sṅon gyi dge ba’i rtsa ba’i rgyus36[注] |37[注] lus kyi mdog38[注] › gser gyi (L8b) kha dog lta bur mṅon par grub par gyur ciṅ | sa’i phyogs gaṅ du39[注] ’greṅ ba daṅ | ’dug40[注] pa daṅ | ’gro ba’i ‹sa phyogs de dag kyaṅ |41[注] gser gyi kha dog lta bu’i ’od kyis snaṅ bar gyur te | des gos dmar po’am | dkar› po’am |42[注] gaṅ dag gyon par gyur pa’i gos de dag thams cad kyaṅ |43[注] gser gyi44[注] kha dog lta bu ñid du kun tu45[注] snaṅ ṅo || ‹bu mo de yaṅ46[注] skye bo’i tshogs thams cad la dga’ źiṅ yid gtsugs pa daṅ |47[注] lta48[注] bas mi ṅoms śiṅ49[注] |50[注]
bka’› blo bde la 51[注] des pa daṅ | ’jam pa daṅ | sñan pa daṅ | dga’ bar52[注] (P63b) smra źiṅ |53[注] bźin54[注] ’dzum pa daṅ | śin tu55[注] ’thun56[注] par ’dzin pa ‹daṅ | khro gñer med pa57[注] daṅ | mi rtsub pa daṅ |58[注] mi brlaṅ bar gyur pas |59[注]
rgyal po’i khab kyi groṅ khyer chen po de na 60[注] › rgyal bu gźon nu rnams (N330a) daṅ |61[注] blon po’i bu gźon nu rnams daṅ | tshoṅ dpon gyi bu gźon nu rnams daṅ | khyim ‹bdag gi bu gaṅ ji62[注] sñed pa de dag kyaṅ |63[注] de la śin tu chags śiṅ64[注] yid (S7b) ’braṅ bar gyur te |65[注] lta66[注] bas chog67[注] mi śes so> || smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal de skyed68[注] mos tshal lam | ’bab chu’am |69[注] (T7b) rdziṅ bu’am | khyim mam70[注] | (J247b) lam po71[注] che’am |72[注] groṅ bar ram | gaṅ73[注] daṅ gaṅ du74[注] ’gro ba de daṅ de dag tu |75[注] skyes pa daṅ | bud med daṅ |76[注] khye’u daṅ | bu mo maṅ po rnams kyaṅ śin tu77[注] ltad mor gyur nas |78[注] kun ’dus te 79[注] (D217b) de’i phyi80[注] bźin ’braṅ źiṅ ’gro’o81[注] || | (4) 爾時王舍大城有逸女人。(11)名曰上金光首。端正殊妙見莫不悦。色像清(12)淨威耀如華。 往古所修徳本之報。形體自然(13)紫磨金色。 所可遊居臥寐住立坐起經行。其(14)地變現亦如身像 著綵帛其服自然轉爲金(15)色。 無央數人莫不敬重。見此女者視之無厭。 (16)言辭不麁柔和美麗。顏貌光澤無有憔悴。 其(17)於王舍大城之中。國王太子大臣長者居士(18)諸子。興貪愛心。 志欲得見隨其所遊。園觀(19)河側里巷樹間。便就從之。男女大小無央數(20)人。悉追其後欲觀察之。 | (4) 爾時王(1)舍城中。有婬女。女名勝金色光明徳。 彼女宿(2)世善根因縁。形貌端正衆相具足。身眞金色(3)光明照曜。容儀媚麗世所希有。 隨所在處。或行或(6)住或坐或臥。地皆金色。光明照曜。 所著衣服(7)青黄赤白亦皆金色。 , but cf. b7-9 神慧聰敏辯(4)才無礙。音辭清妙深邃柔軟。言常含笑語無(5)麁獷。顧眄進止容豫安詳。 時王舍城一切人衆。或(8)是王子或大臣子。或長者子或豪富子。見者(9)貪染繋心愛著。情無捨離。 是金色女。或在聚(10)落或在街巷。或在市肆或在河岸。或在園林(11)所遊之處。若男若女童男童女。皆悉隨從觀(12)無厭足。 | (4) At that time, in the great city of Rājagṛha, lived the daughter of a courtesan called Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī4[注] , beautiful, charming and good-looking, she had the most abundant riches of a beautiful complexion (tena khalu samayena rājagṛhe mahānagare suvarṇottaraprabhāśrī nāma gaṇikāduhitā5[注] prativasaty abhirūpā prāsādikā darśanīyā paramayā śubhavarṇapuṣkalatayā samanvāgatā6[注] ). By her former roots of good that girl had attained a colour of the body like the colour of gold (tasyāś ca dārikāyāḥ pūrvakuśalamūlahetunā suvarṇavarṇaḥ kāyo ’bhiniṣpannaḥ), and whatever place she was standing, sitting or walking would be illumined by the splendour of that golden colour (yeṣu pṛthivīpradeśeṣu tiṣṭhaty api niṣaṇṇāpi gacchaty api te ’pi suvarṇavarṇāvabhāsenāvabhāsitāḥ), and, whatever clothing she would put on, be it red or white, would shine with a golden colour (yāni vastrāṇi tayā veṣṭhitāni lohitāni vāvadātāni vā tāni ca sarvāṇi vastrāṇi suvarṇavarṇāny eva saṃdṛśyante). That girl was the beloved and comforting friend of all people (sā ca dārikā sarvasya janakāyasya priyā viśvastamānasā), and they could not get enough of looking at her (nirīkṣamāṇo na tṛptim upayāti).7[注]
She had such a gentle speech (suvacāḥ), her speech was tender, soft, sweet and pleasant (sūratamṛdumadhurapriyavādinī), and her face was smiling (smitamukhā), worthy of all respect (supradakṣiṇagrāhiṇī), having no aggressions (apagatabhṛkuṭikā), no harshness (aparuṣā) or roughness (akarkaśā); and all the young princes (rājaputra), the young sons of ministers (āmātyaputra), young sons of bankers (śreṣṭhiputra), young sons of housholders (gṛhapatiputra) in the great city of Rājagṛha desired her excessively, having their minds bent on her they did not know how to see her enough. And wherever that daughter of a courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī went, be it to gardens, to rivers, lotus-ponds (udyānanadīpuṣkariṇī), to houses, roads, to the marketplace (gṛharathyāntarāpaṇa), men and women, boys and girls (naranārīdārakadārikāḥ) assembled and followed her (tasyāḥ pṛṣṭhato ’nubaddhāḥ) out of curiosity (kautūhalaprāptāḥ). |
(5) de nas smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal de 82[注] tshoṅ dpon gyi bu ’jigs byin83[注] źes bya bas84[注] |85[注] nor gyis glas86[注] te | skyed87[注] mos tshal gyi sar byuṅ nas 88[注] rta bźi daṅ ldan pa’i śiṅ rta daṅ | nor bu daṅ | mu tig daṅ | (L9a) bai ḍū rya89[注] daṅ | gser gyis legs par brgyan pa | gdugs daṅ |90[注] rgyal mtshan daṅ | ba dan bsgreṅ91[注] źiṅ |92[注] me tog daṅ |93[注] bdug pa daṅ |94[注] spos daṅ | phye ma daṅ | me tog95[注] phreṅ96[注] gis97[注] mdzes par byas pa98[注] | me tog tsam (Q247a) pa ka’i99[注] phreṅ100[注] bas skar khuṅ byas pa’i naṅ du stan101[注] bzaṅ po bśams pa la ’dug nas |102[注]
’di ltar rtse źiṅ dga’ ba’i bsam pas 103[注] śiṅ rta de’i mdun104[注] du ni105[注] |106[注] sil sñan daṅ | pheg rdob pa107[注] daṅ | glu dbyaṅs len pa dag gis draṅs |108[注] (N330b) śiṅ rta de’i phyi109[注] bźin du ni110[注] ñe bar spyad pa daṅ | yoṅs su spyad pa thogs pa thams cad rjes su ’braṅ111[注] (P64a) la |112[注] skye bo’i tshogs chen po ltad113[注] mo lta114[注] ba’i bsam pa can dag kyaṅ |115[注] phyi bźin ’braṅ bar gyur ciṅ |116[注] skyed117[注] mos tshal gyi118[注] sar doṅ ṅo || | (5) 爾時上金光首在於(21)異日。與畏間長者子倶。市買好物而相貢上。 (22)供辦美食至遊觀園。駕駟馬車幢蓋珍寶。明(23)月之珠紫金校飾。布好座具齎持雜香思夷(24)之華。 從諸妓人至遊觀園而相娯樂。音聲唱(25)和鼓樂前導。供養之具載從其後。不可計人(26)逐而觀之。 | (5) 復於異日。有長者子名上威徳。爲欲(13)樂故多與財寶。 共相要契乘駟馬車。其車純(14)以金銀琉璃摩尼眞珠上妙衆寶。嚴飾莊校。(15)建立寶幢微妙幡蓋。寶座華鬘塗香末香。如(16)是種種和合勝香以用塗薫。以瞻蔔華而爲(17)瓔珞。莊嚴其身同載寶車。 於寶車前。種種伎(18)樂歌舞作倡。於其車後。復持種種甘美飮食(19)衣服臥具。次第隨從往詣園林。爾時大衆。若(20)男若女童男童女。皆悉隨逐左右觀看 | (5) Then a son of a banker (śreṣṭhiputra) named Bhayadatta got hold of Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī, the daughter of a courtesan, by means of riches. Setting out for a garden (udyānabhūmau niryāntau) they sat down on a nice seat which had been prepared (prajñapta eva svāsane niṣaṇṇau) in a cart with four horses, decorated with jewels, pearls, cats-eye gems and gold (maṇimuktikāvaiḍūryasuvarṇasvalaṃkṛta), carrying raised parasols, flags and banners (samucchritacchattradhvajapatāka), adorned with flowers, incense, perfume, aromatic powder and garlands (puṣpadhūpagandhacūrṇamālopaśobhita), with windows adorned with campaka-flowers (campakamālāvātāyana). And thus, with the intention of playing and having fun (ratikrīḍāśayena), before the cart people were leading it on with cymbals, drums, (rathasya purato tūryatāḍāvacarasaṃgītipravādena nīyamānaḥ), and those following it carried all kinds of things for enjoyment and pleasure (tasya rathasya pṛṣṭhataḥ sarvâpabhogaparibhogadhāry anusārī). The great crowd of people followed with thoughts set on seeing the object of their curiosity, and they thus arrived in the garden (mahājanakāyaḥ kautūhaladarśanāśayaḥ pṛṣṭhato ’nubaddha udyānabhūmim upajagāma). |
(6) de nas ’jam dpal gźon nur gyur pa |119[注] naṅ du yaṅ dag ’jog120[注] las (S8a) laṅs te | sems can thams cad la sñiṅ rje chen po skyes nas |121[注] ’di sñam du sems te 122[注]
su źig rdzu ’phrul gyi cho ’phrul lam | kun brjod123[注] pa’i cho ’phrul lam | rjes su bstan pa’i cho ’phrul124[注] gyis ’dul bar ’gyur125[注] ba’i sems can gaṅ |126[注] theg pa chen po ’di127[注] la (T8a) yoṅs su smin par bya sñam pa daṅ | ’jam dpal gźon nur gyur pas |128[注] smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal 129[注] tshoṅ dpon gyi bu ’jigs byin daṅ 130[注] lhan cig tu131[注] śiṅ rta la źon te |132[注] skyed133[注] mos tshal gyi sar ’gro ba134[注] mthoṅ135[注] ṅo || mthoṅ nas kyaṅ 136[注] gdul137[注] ba’i phyir 138[注] de’i dbaṅ po daṅ |139[注] stobs140[注] daṅ |141[注] brtson ’grus kyi bye brag la rnam par bltas na142[注] |143[注] de sṅon gyi dge ba’i rtsa ba daṅ144[注] ldan źiṅ |145[注] chos kun śes par bya ba’i nus pa daṅ |146[注] mthu daṅ |147[注] skal ba148[注] yod par (J248a) rig nas | 149[注] de’i tshe ’jam (L9b) dpal gźon nur gyur pas ’di lta bu’i150[注] rdzu ’phrul mṅon par ’du bya ba |151[注] mṅon par 152[注] byas te153[注] | ji lta bu’i rdzu ’phrul mṅon par 154[注] byas pas |155[注] ’di ltar raṅ gi lus bstan ma thag tu156[注] |157[注] ñi ma daṅ |158[注] zla ba’i ’od kyaṅ (N331a) zil du159[注] rlag160[注] par byed na |161[注] sems can gźan dag gi lta 162[注] smos163[注] kyaṅ ci164[注] dgos pa de lta (D218a) bur raṅ gi lus165[注] mṅon166[注] par sprul nas | gos gaṅ gi167[注] ’od kyis dpag168[注] tshad gcig tsam gyi khor yug169[注] snaṅ bas170[注] |171[注] snaṅ bar byed pa’i (Q247b) gos de lta bu yaṅ172[注] lus la gyon par kun tu173[注] bstan to ||174[注] raṅ gi lus rgyan thams cad kyis rnam par brgyan par yaṅ bstan to || [(P64b) de nas 175[注] ’jam dpal (S8b) gźon nur gyur pas |176[注] lus la gos daṅ |177[注] rgyan178[注] thams cad kyis legs par brgyan179[注] nas |180[注] lam gaṅ nas smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal ’oṅ ba’i lam de’i mdun logs su bsdad do || | (6) 文殊師利者晋名溥[首童眞]。於時從燕室出(27)常發大哀愍傷群生。 何所人者。可以勸化令(28)發大乘。以三品法興隆道慧神足變化。説法(29)變化。教授變化。導利入律。 時文殊師利。見上)金光首與畏間長者子倶侶。共載乘行詣遊(2)觀園。 知女往昔本行根源宿世有徳。 吾應化(3)之。當爲説法必令解達。文殊師利尋時變身(4)化爲少年。端正絶妙顏貌踰天。見者喜悦莫(5)不欣戴。姿容威曜蔽日月光。被服像類現於(6)人間。其所被服照四十里。自現其身如有所(7)好。 文殊師利被服嚴訖。觀察逸女所遊之路。(8)尋在彼路而於前立。 | (6) (21)爾時文殊師利童子從禪定起。於一切衆生(22)起大悲心。而作是念。 何等衆生。於大乘中堪(23)受教化。何等衆生。應以神通而受教化。何等(24)衆生。應以過去業縁而受教化。何等衆生。應(25)聞正法而受教化。 作是念已。見金色女與長(26)者子。同載寶車欲詣園林。 見已即觀根性差(27)別。差別觀已作是念言。此女過去善業因縁(28)堪受教化。若聞我法即能信受。 爾時文殊師(29)利以神通力身放光明。映蔽日光悉不復現。(8251)何況餘光。時文殊師利所著衣服。面各光照(2)滿一由旬。令彼多衆皆悉覩見。 復以種種衆(c3)寶瓔珞天冠臂印。莊嚴其身。欲令見者心生(4)貪樂。作是事已。往詣女所當路而住。 | (6) II. Then the princely Mañjuśrī came out of his meditative absorption, and generating great compassion for all living beings he thought (atha mañjuśrīḥ kumārbhūtaḥ pratisaṃlayanād vyutthāya sarvasatveṣu mahākaruṇām utpādya tasyābhavat): “Who are the living beings who can be brought to maturity in this great way by means of miracles of magic, the miracle of teachings or the miracle of admonition?” (ke satvā ye etasmin mahāyāna ṛddhiprātihāryeṇa vādeśanāprātihāryeṇa vānuśāsanīprātihāryeṇa paripācayitavyā iti). And the princely Mañjuśrī saw the daughter of a courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī having mounted the cart with the son of a banker Bhayadatta to go to the park (mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūtaḥ suvarṇottaraprabhāśriyaṃ gaṇikāduhitāraṃ bhayadattena śreṣṭhiputreṇa sārdhaṃ ratham ārūḍhām udyānabhūmiṃ gacchatīṃ dadarśa). Having seen her he considered her ability, her power and vigour for being trained, and finding her as possessing the power of earlier roots of good and the ability of understanding (dṛṣṭvā ca vineyārthaṃ tasyā indriyabalavīryaviśeṣaṃ vyavalokayan tāṃ pūrvakuśalamūlājñendriyabalādhānāṃ viditvā), the princely Mañjuśrī produced such a miracle of magic, a miracle by which (atha mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūtas tathārūpam ṛddhyabhisaṃskāram abhisaṃskaroti sma yathārūpeṇābhisaṃskāreṇābhisaṃskṛtena) he overpowered even the light of both the sun and the moon as soon as he showed himself, so what then about [the light] of other beings (kiṃ tv anyeṣāṃ satvānām)! And having transformed himself (ātmānam abhinirmāya) in that way, he showed himself as wearing a shining garment (vastra), the lustre of which illuminated a circle a yojana across, and he showed himself as wearing all kinds of ornaments (sarvabhūṣaṇavibhūṣita). Then the princely Mañjuśrī, wearing that garment and adorned with all those ornaments, sat down by the road where the daughter of a courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī was coming. |
(7) ’jam dpal gźon nur gyur pas der bsdad ma thag tu181[注] |182[注] de nas tshoṅ dpon gyi bu de’i śiṅ rta yaṅ183[注] mog mog por gyur | smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal (T8b) gyi lus thams cad kyaṅ mog mog por gyur to || ’di lta ste 184[注] dper na | ’dzam bu’i185[注] chu bo’i gser gyi druṅ du 186[注] snag tsha’i187[注] yug bźag na |188[注] lam189[注] mer mi ’dug | lhan ner mi ’dug |190[注] lhaṅ ṅer mi ’dug go ||191[注] de bźin du ’jam dpal gźon nur gyur pa’i lus kyi192 |