恆河上所問大乘經恒河上優婆夷The Mahāyāna Sūtra entitled \"The Questions of Gaṅgottarā\"
gang gā’i mchog gis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo |


The Mahāyāna Sūtra entitled "The Questions of Gaṅgottarā"
(222a3) || ’phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po’i chos kyi rnam grangs le’u stong phrag brgya pa las le’u sum cu rtsa gcig (4) pa ste | gang gā’i mchog gis zhus pa lung bstan pa | bam po phyed pa ||
會第三十一 大唐三藏菩提流志奉 詔譯
Chapter Thirty-One of the Exalted Mahāratnakūṭa Dharmaparyāya in One Hundred Thousand Chapters: “Explanation of the Questions of Gaṅgottarā”. Half a fascicle.1[注]
rgya gar skad du | ārya ganggottara pari pritstshā nāma mahāyāna sūtra | 
bod skad du | ’phags pa gang gā’i mchog gis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo |
In the language of India: Ārya Gaṅgottaraparipṛcchā nāma mahāyānasūtra
sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa’ (5) thams cad la phyag ’tshal lo ||
Homage to all Buddhas and Bodhisatvas!2[注]
’di skad bdag gis thos pa dus gcig na | bcom ldan ’das mnyan yod na rgyal bu rgyal byed kyi tshal mgon med zas sbyin gyi kun dga' ra ba na bzhugs te |
This is what I have heard: Once, the Blessed One was staying in Jeta's Grove, in the pleasure garden donated by Anāthapiṇḍada.
de'i tshe grong khyer chen po mnyan yod na dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog ces bya ba zhig gnas (6) so ||
At that time, a laywoman by the name of Gaṅgottarā was living in the great city of Śrāvastī.
de nas dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog mnyan yod nas byung nas rgyal bu rgyal byed kyi tshal mgon med zas sbyin gyi kun dga’ ra ba ga la ba der song ste phyin nas bcom ldan ’das kyi zhabs la mgo bos phyag ’tshal te phyogs gcig tu 'dug go |
One day, the laywoman Gaṅgottarā left Śrāvastī and went to Jeta's Grove, to Anāthapiṇḍada's pleasure garden. Upon arriving, she saluted the Blessed One by placing her head at his feet, and sat down to one side.
phyogs gcig tu ’dug pa dang | (7) bcom ldan ’das kyis mkhyen bzhin du dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog la gang gā’i mchog khyod da gzod gang nas ’ongs zhes smras so ||
When she had sat down to one side, the Blessed One, although he already knew the answer, asked the laywoman Gaṅgottarā: Where have you come from, Gaṅgottarā?
gang gā’i mchog gis gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das gang zhig gis sprul pa la smras te | khyod da gzod gang nas ’ongs zhes de skad bgyis na ji skad (b1) lan ’debs par ’gyur lags |
Gaṅgottarā answered: Blessed One, if someone asked a magically conjured being, “Where have you come from?”, what would the answer be?
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog sprul pa la ni ’greng ba med | ’dug pa med | nyal ba med | ’ong ba med | ’gro ba med | ’chi ’pho med | skye ba med na ’di nas ’ongs so zhes de ci zhig ston par ’gyur |
The Blessed One replied: A magical being does not stand, does not sit, does not lie down, does not come, does not go, does not die and is not born. How then can anyone say that they have come from somewhere?
gang (2) gā’i mchog gis gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das ci chos thams cad sprul pa lta bu lags sam |
Gaṅgottarā continued: Blessed One, aren't all phenomena like magical beings?
bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog de bzhin no ||
Exactly, Gaṅgottarā, he replied.
gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das gal te chos thams cad sprul pa lta bu lags na | gang gā’i mchog khyod da gzod gang nas ’ongs (3) zhes ci’i slad du smra |
If all phenomena are like magical beings, Blessed One, then why ask “Where have you come from, Gaṅgottarā?”, she responded.
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog sprul pa ni ngan song du mi ’gro | mtho ris su mi ’gro | yongs su mya ngan las ’das par mi ’gro na ci gang gā’i mchog kyang ngan song du mi ’gro | mtho ris su mi ’gro | yongs su mya ngan (4) las ’das par mi ’gro ’am | 
gang gā’i mchog gis gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das gal te bdag gis dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog sprul pa'i rang bzhin las gzhan lags par mthong na ni dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog ngan song du mchi ba 'am mtho ris su mchi ba (5) ’am yongs su mya ngan las ’das par mchi ba ma lags so zhes bdag sprul pa dang bstun du yang mi rung lags na |
The Blessed One said: Gaṅgottarā, a magical being does not go to the realms of misery, nor to the heavenly realms, nor to parinirvāṇa. Do you too then, Gaṅgottarā, not go to the lower realms, nor to the heavenly realms, nor to parinirvāṇa? 
Gaṅgottarā answered: Blessed One, if I were to see myself as being anything other than a magical creation, and then were to say that I, the laywoman Gaṅgottarā, do not go to the lower realms, nor to the heavenly realms, nor to parinirvāṇa, then it would not be correct to say that I was like a magically created being.
bcom ldan ’das bdag gis dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog sprul pa’i rang bzhin las gzhan lags par ma mthong ste | bcom ldan ’das de ltar bdag gis ma (6) mthong na dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog ngan song du mchi ba ’am | mtho ris su mchi ba ’am | yongs su mya ngan las ’das par mchi ba zhes ji skad bstan par bgyi |
Blessed One, I don't see Gaṅgottarā as being anything other than a magical creation. That being the case, Blessed One, how can I maintain that the laywoman Gaṅgottarā goes to lower realms, to heavenly realms, to parinirvāṇa?
bcom ldan ’das de lta lags kyis kyang g.yo ba dang | rlom sems dang | bskyod pa dang | spros pa mchis na ji (7) ltar 'di snyam du bdag ngan song du ’gro ba ’am | mtho ris su ’gro ba ’am | yongs su mya ngan las ’das par ’gro ba’o snyam du sems lags te |
佛言。汝豈不趣涅槃界耶。恒河上言。如以此問問無生者。應云何答。佛言。無生者即涅槃也。Chinese needs to be checked here and for the next few lines of Tibetan.
If that is the case, Blessed One, and if fluctuation, conceit, agitation, and mental proliferation exist, then how can anyone think that they go to lower realms, to heavenly realms, to parinirvāṇa?
bcom ldan ’das mya ngan las ’das pa’i dbyings ni nams kyang ngan song du mchi ba ’am | mtho ris su mchi ba ’am | yongs su (223a1) mya ngan las ’das par mchi ba ma lags te | bcom ldan ’das dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog kyang de lta bu’i dbyings can lags so ||
Blessed One, nirvāṇa-nature never goes to the lower realms or to the heavenly realms, and never realizes parinirvāṇa. I, Blessed One, the laywoman Gaṅgottarā, also possess such a nature.
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog khyod ci yongs su mya ngan las ’das pa la yang dag (2) par ma zhugs sam |
The Blessed One said: Gaṅgottarā, haven't you yourself set out for parinirvāṇa?
gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das su zhig gis mi skye ba la smras te | khyod yongs su mya ngan las ’das pa la yang dag par ma zhugs sam zhes de skad bgyis na ji skad lan ’debs par ’gyur lags |
She answered: Blessed One, if someone asks the unborn “Haven't you set out for parinirvāṇa”, what would the answer be?
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang (3) gā’i mchog mi skye ba zhes bya ba ni mya ngan las ’das pa’i tshig bla dags yin na de ci zhig lan ’debs par ’gyur |
The Blessed One replied: Gaṅgottarā, since the unborn is a synonym for nirvāṇa, then what can the answer be?
gang gā’i mchog gis gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das ci chos thams cad ni mya ngan las ’das pa dang mtshungs pa lags sam | 
bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i (4) mchog de de bzhin te | chos thams cad ni mya ngan las ’das pa dang mtshungs so ||
Gaṅgottarā answered: Blessed One, are all phenomena the same as nirvāṇa? 
He said: Exactly, Gaṅgottarā. All phenomena are the same as nirvāṇa.
gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das gal te chos thams cad mya ngan las ’das pa dang mtshungs pa lags na gang gā’i mchog khyod yongs su mya ngan las ’das pa la yang dag par ma zhugs sam zhes (5) nga ci zhig smra ste |
She said: Blessed One, if all phenomena are the same as nirvāṇa, why ask “Haven't you yourself set out for nirvāṇa?”
bcom ldan ’das su zhig gis sprul pa la smras te | khyod yongs su mya ngan las ’das pa la yang dag par ma zhugs sam zhes de skad bgyis na ji skad lan ’debs par ’gyur lags |
Blessed One, if someone asked a magical being, “Haven't you yourself set out for nirvāṇa?”, what could the answer be?
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog dri ba ’di (6) ni dmigs pa med pa’o ||
The Blessed One said: Gaṅgottarā, this question has no foundation.
gsol pa | ci bcom ldan ’das kyis dmigs pa dang bcas pa’i smra bas smras lags sam |
She said: Blessed One, are you making a statement which has a foundation?
bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog dri ba ’di ni dmigs pa med mod kyi | ’on kyang ’khor ’di na rigs kyi bu ’am | rigs kyi bu mo ’du ba dag (7) yod de | de dag gi don chen por ’gyur bas dris so ||
He said: Gaṅgottarā, this question has indeed no foundation. Nonetheless, I ask this question because it will be of great benefit to the noble sons and noble daughters who are gathered here in this assembly.
de ci’i phyir zhe na | gang gā’i mchog de bzhin gshegs pas ni chos nyid ces bya ba yang mngon par rdzogs par sangs ma rgyas na gang de las byung ba’i chos yongs su mya ngan las ’das pa la gnas pa lhag la yod |
Why? If the Tathāgata had not realized the way things are, Gaṅgottarā, then phenomena would still arise in his nirvāṇa.
gsol pa | (b1) gal te bcom ldan ’das kyis chos nyid ces bgyi ba yang mngon par rdzogs par sangs ma rgyas te | de las byung ba’i chos lta gang zhig mchis par gyur na bcom ldan ’das kyis byang chub kyi slad du ji ltar dge ba’i rtsa ba yang dag par bsgrubs lags |
She said: If the Blessed One had not realized the way things are, and phenomena were still arising, then how could the Blessed One have accomplished the roots of virtue in order to attain awakening.
bcom ldan ’das (2) gyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog gang dmigs pa de ni dge ba’i rtsa ba ma yin te | byang chub sems dpa’ dge ba’i rtsa ba de ni gang gi tshe yang dag par sgrub pa de’i tshe yang bsam gyis mi khyab pa nyid mi ’dor ro || 
gang gi tshe yang dag par mi sgrub pa de’i tshe yang bsam gyis mi khyab (3) pa nyid mi ’dor ro ||
The Blessed One responded: Gaṅgottarā, that which has perception can not be a root of virtue. When a bodhisatva accomplishes roots of virtue, he does not abandon inconceivability. 
When he does not accomplish roots of virtue, he still does not abandon inconceivability.
gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das bsam gyis mi khyab pa la bsam gyis mi khyab pa zhes bgyi ba ci’i slad du bsam gyis mi khyab pa la bsam gyis mi khyab pa zhes bgyi |
She asked: Blessed One, the inconceivable is called "inconceivable". Why is it inconceivable?
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog chos 'di ni sems (4) pas thob par bya ba ma yin te | sems pas thob par byar mi nus so ||
The Blessed One said: This Dharma is not attained by the mind, the mind cannot attain it.
de ci’i phyir zhe na | ’di ltar ’di la ni sems nyid kyang mi dmigs na gang sems las rab tu byung ba’i chos lta ga la yod | gang gā’i mchog sems mi dmigs pa ni bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i rgyud ces (5) bya’o ||
Why? How can phenomena arise in the mind when the mind itself can not be perceived? Gaṅgottarā, the fact that the mind has no perception is called "the inconceivable continuum".
bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i rgyud gang yin pa de ni thob pa ma yin | mngon par rtogs pa ma yin | shes pa ma yin | mngon sum du byas pa ma yin te | de ni thob par bya ba ma yin | kun nas nyon mongs pa ma yin rnam par byang ba ma yin no ||
The continuum which is inconceivable can not be attained, can not be understood, can not be known, can not be realized. It is not something that can be attained, it does not have kleśas, it is not fully purified.
de ci’i phyir zhe (6) na | gang gā’i mchog ’di ltar de bzhin gshegs pas ni chos thams cad nam mkha’ ltar nges par thugs su chud de | gang gā’i mchog chos thams cad ni nam mkha' dang mtshungs pa gnyen po med pa'o ||
How is that? Gaṅgottara, in this way the tathāgata certainly understands that all dharmas are like space. Gaṅgottara, all dharmas, like space, does not obstruct.
gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das gal te chos thams cad (7) nam mkha’ dang mtshungs pa gnyen po ma mchis pa lags na bcom ldan ’das kyis gzugs zhes btags pa dang | tshor ba dang | ’du shes dang | ’du byed rnams dang rnam par shes pa zhes btags pa dang | phung po rnams dang | khams rnams dang | skye mched (224a1) rnams dang | rten cing ’brel bar ’byung ba dang | zag pa dang bcas pa dang | zag pa ma mchis pa dang | kun nas nyon mongs pa dang | rnam par byang ba dang | ’khor ba dang | mya ngan las 'das pa zhes btags pa ji lta bu lags || (2)
She said: Blessed One, if all dharmas is equal to space, being without obstruction, then why does the Blessed One designate form (rūpa), feeling (vedanā), perception (saṃjñā), formation (samskāra), consciousness (vijñāna), the aggregates, the elements, the sense-bases, dependent arising, with pollution, without pollution, defilement, purification (vyavadāna), saṃsāra, nirvāṇa? How can this be?
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog ’di lta ste dper na bdag bdag ces ’dogs kyang bdag gang yang mi dmigs pa de bzhin du gang gā’i mchog ngas gzugs zhes btags te gzugs gang yang mi dmigs so ||
The Blessed One said: Gaṅgottarā, as an example: I designate “self, self”, however, I do not perceive anything as real. Similarly, Gaṅgottara, I designate form, but there is not any kind of form perceived.
de bzhin du ngas tshor ba dang | ’du (3) shes dang | ’du byed rnams dang | rnam par shes pa zhes btags te rnam par shes pa gang yang mi dmigs so ||
Likewise, I designate feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness, but do not perceive any consciousness as real.
phung po rnams dang | khams rnams dang | skye mched rnams dang | rten cing ’brel bar ’byung ba dang | zag pa dang bcas pa dang | zag pa med pa dang | (4) kun nas nyon mongs pa dang | rnam par byang ba dang | ’khor ba dang | mya ngan las ’das pa zhes bya ba yang ngas btags te mya ngan las ’das pa gang yang mi dmigs so ||
Skandhas, elements, sense-sources, dependent origination, pollution, non-pollution, defilements, purification, saṃsāra, nirvāṇa is designated, but I do not perceive it as anything real.
gang gā’i mchog ’di lta ste dper na smig rgyu rnams la ni chu yod med de mi dmigs so ||
Gaṅgottara, as an example, in the mirage I do not perceive the existence or non-existence of water.
gang gā’i (5) mchog de bzhin du ngas gzugs zhes bya bar btags kyang gzugs gang yang mi dmigs so ||
我說諸色乃至涅槃。亦復如是。See next two sections also. Chinese abbreviates what is given in full in Tibetan.
Gaṅgottara, likewise, even though I designate form there is no real form perceived.
ngas tshor ba dang | ’du shes dang | ’du byed rnams dang | rnam par shes pa zhes btags kyang rnam par shes pa gang yang mi dmigs so ||
See above.
Even though I designate feeling, perception, formation, consciousness, I do not perceive consciousness as anything real.
phung po rnams dang | khams (6) rnams dang | skye mched rnams dang | rten cing ’brel bar ’byung ba dang | zag pa dang bcas pa dang | zag pa med pa dang | kun nas nyon mongs pa dang | rnam par byang ba dang | ’khor ba dang | mya ngan las ’das pa zhes bya bar ngas btags kyang don dam par na de (7) dag thams cad med cing mi dmigs so ||
See above.
Even though I designate skandhas, elements, sense-sources, dependent origination, pollution, non-pollution, defilements, purification, saṃsāra, nirvāṇa, ultimately all these things are not there and are not perceived.
gang gā’i mchog gang chos la mchog tu ’dzin pa med par tshangs par spyad pa spyod pa de lta bu ni legs par gsungs pa’i chos ’dul ba la tshangs par spyod pa la gnas pa yin no ||
Gaṅgottarā, whoever is not attached to the dharma and practices the holy life, such a one is one who dwells in the holy life, in the well-explained dharmavinaya.
gang gā’i mchog mngon pa'i nga rgyal can (b1) gnas dmigs nas tshangs par spyad par spyod pa de dag gi tshangs par spyod pa de ni yongs su ma dag pa’o zhes nga smra'o ||
Gaṅgottarā, the ones who dwell in excessive pride in their practice of the holy life, those do not keep the holy life completely pure. So I declare.
gang dag tshangs par spyod pa yongs su ma dag pa de dag ni zab mo rgyud chad pa’i chos ’di lta bu ’di thos na dngangs skrag par ’gyur te |
Those who do not keep the holy life completely pure become scared when they hear this profound dharma which cuts through.
de dag skye ba dang | (2) rga ba dang | na ba dang | ’chi ba dang | mya ngan dang | smre sngags ’don pa dang | sdug bsngal pa dang | yid mi bde ba dang | ’khrug pa rnams las yongs su mi ’grol te | de dag ni sdug bsngal gyi skal ba can du ’gyur ro zhes nga smra’o ||
They are not liberated from birth, aging, sickness, death, pain, lamentation, suffering, unease, disturbance. They will have their share of suffering. So I declare.
gang gā’i mchog da (3) ltar ram nga ’das pa’i phyi na yang rung ste | gang dag zab mo rgyud chad pa ’di lta bu’i chos ston pa de dag la mi gti mug pa dag gsod pa po’i ’du shes skyed par ’gyur te | de ltar mi gti mug pa de dag log par zin pas bsad pa’i zhe sdang bskyed nas ngan song du ’gro (4) bar ’gyur ro ||
Gaṅgottara, now or after I pass away, those confused people who towards those who teach such a profound dharma that cuts off the stream produce the idea of murdering them, those stupid people have taken the wrong way and have produced the rage of murder and will go to the miserable states.
gang gā’i mchog gis gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das rgyud chad pa rgyud chad pa zhes bgyi ba ci’i slad du rgyud chad pa zhes bgyi |
Gaṅgottara said: Blessed One, you say “stream-chopping, stream-chopping”, why do you call it stream-chopping?
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | gang gā’i mchog chos ’di ni rgyud gcad pa’am | dbye ba ’am | rnam (5) par gzhig pa ma yin te | de’i phyir rgyud chad pa zhes bya ste | ’di ni yang dag pa’i mtha’ zhes bya | bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i rgyud ces bya’o ||
The Blessed One said: Gaṅgottara, this is not cutting off, this is not differentiation, this is not destruction. That is why it's called destruction. That is why it is the absolute extreme of existence. This is the inconceivable continuum.
de nas bcom ldan ’das kyis de’i tshe ’dzum pa mdzad do ||
Then the Blessed One smiled.
de nas bcom ldan ’das kyi zhal gyi sgo nas ’od zer kha (6) dog sna tshogs kha dog du ma ’di lta ste | sngon po dang | ser po dang | dmar po dang | dkar po dang | btsod ka dang | shel dang | dngul gyi kha dog lta bu dag byung nas de dag gis ’jig rten gyi khams mtha’ yas mu med pa dag snang bar byas te ’od kyis khyab par (7) byas nas tshangs pa’i ’jig rten gyi bar du mngon par byung ste slar log nas bcom ldan ’das kyi zhal gyi sgor nub bo ||
Then from the mouth of the Blessed One variegated light, with colours like green, yellow, white, red, crystal, and silver issued forth, and these lights without end, without limit, after having illuminated universes without end and without limit, and having filled them, they rose up to the Brahma heavens. Then they came back again to their master and disappeared into the mouth of the Blessed One.
de nas tshe dang ldan pa kun dga’ bos bla gos phrag pa gcig tu gzar te pus mo g.yas pa’i lha nga sa la btsugs nas bcom ldan ’das ga la ba de logs (225a1) su thal mo sbyar ba btud de bcom ldan ’das la ’di skad ces gsol to ||
Then the Venerable Ānanda placed his robe over one shoulder, knelt down on his right knee, and with hands folded towards the Blessed One, he asked the Blessed One this question.
bcom ldan ’das de bzhin gshegs pa rnams ni rgyu ma mchis par ’dzum pa mi mdzad na ’dzum pa mdzad pa’i rgyu gang lags rkyen gang lags |
“As Blessed Ones and Tathāgatas do not smile for no reason, what is the reason for smiling?”
bcom ldan ’das kyis (2) bka’ stsal pa | kun dga’ bo ngas mngon par shes te | sa phyogs ’di nyid du de bzhin gshegs pa stong gis gang gā’i mchog ces bya ba kho na’i dge bsnyen ma sha stag las brtsams te | chos kyi rnam grangs ’di bshad do ||
The Blessed One said, “Ānanda, it has been directly known by me that here in this place 1000 Tathāgatas taught this turning of the Dharma to laywomen, all of them with the very same name of Gaṅgottara.
dge bsnyen ma de dag thams cad ni rab tu (3) byung nas phung po med pa’i mya ngan las ’das pa’i dbyings su yongs su mya ngan las ’das so ||
All of those laywomen, have gone forth and have then been released in that element of release that is without remainder.”
de nas bcom ldan ’das la tshe dang ldan pa kun dga’ bos ’di skad ces gsol to || bcom ldan ’das chos kyi rnam grangs ’di’i ming ci lags | ji ltar gzung bar (4) bgyi |
Then the Venerable Ānanda said this to the Blessed One, “Blessed One, what is the name of this Dharma teaching, and how should we remember it?”
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | kun dga’ bo chos kyi rnam grangs ’di ni dri ma med pa zhes bya ste | ’di dri ma med pa zhes bya bar zung shig |
The Blessed One answered, “This Dharma talk is called “Without Impurity”, and this is how it should be remembered.”
chos kyi rnam grangs ’di bstan pa na dge slong bdun brgya dang | dge slong ma bzhi brgya len pa med par zag pa rnams (5) las sems rnam par grol lo ||
When this Dharma teaching was given to 700 monks and 400 nuns without any attachment, their minds were completely liberated from the pollutions.
de nas ’dod pa na spyod pa dang | gzugs na spyod pa’i lha’i bu rnams kyis lha’i me tog rnams dang | tsan dan gyi phye ma rnams mngon par sprul te | bcom ldan ’das la gtor nas tshig ’di skad ces
Then the gods of the realm of sensual desire and the god-sons who inhabit the realm of form magically created divine flowers and sandalwood powder, scattered them over the Buddha, and then said,
’di ltar grong khyer mnyan yod (6) na dge bsnyen ma ’di lta bu gnas la de de bzhin gshegs pa dang lhan cig tu smra yang de’i lus ngal bar yang mi ’gyur ba dang | ji ltar yang gang gā’i mchog ’di sngon gyi rgyal ba la lhag par bya ba byas shing dge ba’i rtsa ba bskyed pa dang | yun ring po nas dge ba spyad pa dang || (7) yun ring po nas tshangs par spyad pa dang | sangs rgyas mang po la bsnyen bkur byas pa ’di ni ngo mtshar to zhes smras so ||
“In the city of Śrāvastī lives a laywoman who was able to have a conversation with the Tathāgata without becoming tired. This is because she has served Victorious Ones of the past, produced the roots of skilfulness, practised the good for a long time, practised the holy life for a long time, paid homage to many Buddhas. This is wonderful. This is what we declare.”
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | lha’i bu dag de de bzhin te | ’di ni sngon gyi rgyal ba la lhag par bya ba byas pa | dge ba’i rtsa ba bskyed pa | yun (b1) ring du tshangs par spyad pa la gnas pa’o ||
The Blessed One said, “That is so, god-sons. This person has served former Victorious Ones, cultivated roots of skilfulness, and lived the holy life for a long time.”
bcom ldan ’das kyis de skad ces bka’ stsal nas | dge bsnyen ma gang gā’i mchog dang | lha dang | mi dang lha ma yin dang | dri zar bcas pa’i ’jig rten yi rangs te | bcom ldan ’das kyis gsungs pa la mngon par (2) bstod do ||||
When the Blessed One had pronounced this teaching, the laywoman Gaṅgottarā, and the world with its gods, asuras, and gandharvas were delighted, and praised his words highly.
’phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po’i chos kyi rnam grangs le’u stong phrag brgya pa las gang gā’i mchog gis zhus pa’i le’u zhes bya ste sum cu rtsa gcig pa rdzogs so ||||
The “Chapter on the Questions of Gaṅgottarā”, Chapter Thirty-one of the hundred thousand chapter Exalted Mahāratnakūṭa Dharmaparyāya, is complete.
rgya gar gyi mkhan po dzi na mi tra dang | (3) dā na shī la dang | zhu chen gyi lotstsha ba ban de ye shes sde la sogs pas bsgyur cing zhus te skad gsar chad kyis kyang bcos nas gtan la phab pa ||||
Translated, rendered into the new terminology, and established by the Indian preceptors Jinamitra and Dānaśīla, the editor-translator Bhande Ye shes sde, and others.