中文本(CBETA T22n1428_p0571a21-b12) | 英文本(Bhiksu-Eric 翻譯) | 日文本(國譯一切經) | 四分比丘含注戒本(道宣律師著) | 四分比丘含注戒本校釋(南山律典校釋) |
1 「若比丘共比丘同戒,若不還戒、戒羸不自悔,犯不淨行乃至共畜生,是比丘波羅夷不共住。」 | 1 “If a bhikṣu who was ordained with the same precepts as other bhikṣus, who has not renounced the precepts, even if he has weakened resolve and has not confessed, commits the impure act of sexual intercourse, even with an animal, then that bhikṣu commits a pārājayika offense and is no longer co-resident.” | 1 若し比丘、比丘と同戒にして、若しは還戒せす、戒羸にして自ら悔いす不淨行を犯し、乃ち畜生と共にするに至るまで、是の比丘波羅夷不共住なりと」。 | 1 (佛在毗舍离国。时,须提那子,持信出家,后还本村,与其故二共行不净。诸比丘察知已,言:“当于如来清净法中,于欲无欲,能断渴爱,破坏巢窟,除众结缚,爱尽涅槃。云何乃作如是恶事?”以过白佛。即集众僧,知时义合,取自言已,佛诃责云:“汝所为非,非威仪,非沙门,非净行,非随顺行,所不应为。”告诸比丘:“我无数方便,说断欲法,越度爱结。”又说此欲如火如炬,乃至如刀如戟。如是诃已,“此为痴人,多种有漏,最初犯戒。今当结戒,集十句义:一、摄取于僧;二、令僧欢喜;三、令僧安乐;四、未信者令信;五、已信令增长;六、难调者调顺;七、惭愧者安乐;八、断现在有漏;九、断未来有漏;十、正法久住。”诸戒例尔,下并略之。欲说戒者,当如是说。) | 1 毗舍离:意译为“广严城”。广阔美丽的意思。久远以前,波罗奈国王夫人生了一个肉团,非常羞愧,于是将其封在一个金函里面,丢弃到江里。后来被一个修道人看见并取了回去。之后肉团生出了一儿一女,男孩有丈夫大人之相,就立为王。后来国力强盛,子孙越来越多,就三次扩充国土,所以叫做“广严”。参考《行宗记·大淫戒》(卍续39册802页下栏)。 |
2 若比丘者,名字比丘、相似比丘、自稱比丘、善來比丘、乞求比丘、著割截衣比丘、破結使比丘、受大戒白四羯磨如法成就得處所比丘。是中比丘,若受大戒白四羯磨如法成就得處所,住比丘法中,是謂比丘義。 | 2 If a bhikṣu. One may be considered a bhikṣu by name, a bhikṣu by appearance, a bhikṣu by self-declaration, a bhikṣu by virtue of being told, “Come, bhikṣu,” a bhikṣu by alms-begging, a bhikṣu by wearing patchwork robes, a bhikṣu by breaking the bonds, or a bhikṣu because he has received full ordination with a fourfold karman that is in accord with the Dharma, valid, and fit to stand. Here, bhikṣu means one who has received full ordination with a fourfold karman that is in accord with the Dharma, valid, and fit to stand, and who abides in the life of a bhikṣu. | 2 若し比丘とは、名字比丘・相似比丘・自稱比丘・善來比丘・乞求比丘・著割截衣比丘・破結使比丘・大戒を受けて、白四羯磨如法に成就し、處所を得るの比丘なり。是の中の比丘は、若し大戒を受け、白四羯磨如法に成就し、處所を得て比丘法の中に住する。是れを比丘の義と謂ふ。比丘法の中に住する。是れを比丘の義と謂ふ。 | 2 若比丘(佛言:“‘若比丘’者,名字比丘、相似比丘、自称比丘、乞求比丘、著割截衣比丘、破结使比丘、善来比丘,受大戒白四如法成就得处所比丘。是中‘比丘’者,若受大戒白四如法成就得处所,住比丘法中,是‘比丘’义也。”), | 2 名字比丘:指其他宗教的出家修行者,或者指已出家但还未受具足戒的沙弥,也可以泛指下列各类比丘。参考《戒本疏·大淫戒》(卍续39册812页中栏)。 |
3 是中共比丘者,餘比丘受大戒,白四羯磨如法成就,得處所住比丘法中,是共比丘義。 | 3 As other bhikṣus. Other bhikṣus have received full ordination with a fourfold karman [571b] that is in accord with the Dharma, valid, and fit to stand, and they abide in the life of the bhikṣu. This is the meaning of as other bhikṣus. | 3 是の中比丘と共にとは、餘の比丘も大戒を受け、白四羯磨如法に成就し、處所を得て比丘法の中に住すれば、是れ比丘と共にの義なり。 | 3 共比丘(佛言:若共余比丘受大戒,白四羯磨,乃至住比丘法中者,是谓“共比丘”义也), | 3 若共余比丘:指释迦牟尼佛教化之下,佛在世及佛灭度后,所有如法白四羯磨成就的比丘。参考《戒本疏·大淫戒》(卍续39册813页中栏)。 |
4 云何名為同戒?我為諸弟子結戒已,寧死不犯,是中共餘比丘一戒、同戒、等戒,是名同戒。 | 4 The same precepts. Once I establish a precept for my disciples, they would rather die than break it. Here, a bhikṣu shares the same body of precepts, the same individual precepts, and the same number of precepts with other bhikṣus. This is the meaning of the same precepts. | 4 云何が名けて同戒と爲す。我れ諸の弟子の爲めに結戒し已る、寧ろ死すとも犯さすと、此の中餘の比丘と共に、一戒同戒等戒なる、是れを同戒と名づく。 | 4 同戒(佛言:“我为诸弟子结戒已,宁死不犯。是中共余比丘一戒、同戒、等戒,是名‘同戒’义也。”), | 4 一戒:戒条虽然很多,但所有戒条性质一样,都是防止恶法、改过迁善,所以称作“一戒”。参考《行宗记·大淫戒》(卍续39册813页下栏)。 |
5 云何名不捨戒?顛狂捨戒、顛狂人前捨戒,心亂捨戒、心亂人前捨戒,痛惱捨戒、痛惱人前捨戒,啞捨戒、聾捨戒、啞聾捨戒、啞人前捨戒、聾人前捨戒、啞聾人前捨戒,中國人邊地人前捨戒、邊地人中國人前捨戒,不靜靜想捨戒、靜作不靜想捨戒,戲笑捨戒。若天、若龍、若夜叉、若餓鬼、若睡眠人、若死人、若無知人、若自不語、若語前人不解,如是等不名捨戒。 | 5 Has not renounced the precepts. This includes renouncing the precepts in a state of insanity, renouncing the precepts before a person in a state of insanity, renouncing the precepts in a state of derangement, renouncing the precepts before a person in a state of derangement, renouncing the precepts when one is overwhelmed by pain, renouncing the precepts before someone who is overwhelmed by pain, renouncing the precepts without being able to speak, renouncing the precepts without being able to hear, renouncing the precepts without being able to speak or hear, renouncing the precepts before someone who cannot speak, renouncing the precepts before someone who cannot hear, renouncing the precepts before someone who cannot speak or hear, a person from central India (Madhyadeśa) renouncing the precepts before a person from the border regions, a person from the border regions renouncing the precepts before a person from central India, renouncing the precepts when one is not alone but perceiving oneself to be alone, renouncing the precepts when one is alone but perceiving oneself to be not alone, renouncing the precepts in jest, renouncing the precepts before a deva, nāga, yakṣa, hungry ghost, a person who is asleep, a corpse, a person who is unconscious, renouncing the precepts without saying it oneself, or renouncing the precepts before a person who does not understand. These are instances of not renouncing the precepts. | 5 云何が不捨戒なる。顛狂捨戒、顛狂人前捨戒・心亂捨戒・心亂人前捨戒・痛惱捨戒・痛惱人前捨戒・啞捨戒・聾捨戒・啞聾捨戒・啞人前捨戒・聾人前捨戒・啞聾人前捨戒・中國人邊地人前捨戒・邊地人中國人前捨戒・不靜靜想捨戒・靜作不靜想捨戒・戯笑捨戒・若しは天、若しは龍、若しは夜叉、若しは餓鬼、若しは睡眠人、若しは死人、若しは無知人、若しは自ら語らす、若しは語るも前人解せす、是くの如き等は捨戒と名けす。 | 5 若不还戒(佛言:“若有比丘不乐梵行,听舍戒还家。复欲出家,于佛法中修梵行者,应度出家,得受大戒。云何不名舍戒?若自癫狂、心乱、痛恼、哑、聋,又向如是人前,及中、边人等互舍,不成。若戏,若眠,若无知人,若自不语,若前人不解,并不成舍。若言‘我舍佛,舍法,舍僧、和尚、戒律’‘我受家法’等,是名‘舍戒’也。”) | 5 不还戒:不舍戒。 |
版本資訊 【典籍資訊】大正新脩大藏經第 22 冊 No. 1428《四分律》 | 版本資訊 四分律卷一 first paraj precept bhiksu-Eric 整理 | 版本資訊 國譯一切經印度撰述部 / 岩野真雄編輯. 東京市: 大東出版社行, 昭和45-54年[1970-1979]. 台北影印發行. V.35-47律部. | 版本資訊 四分律比丘含注戒本校释/道宣律师著述,学诚法师校释/南山律典校释系列一 北京:宗教文化出版社,2015年 | 版本資訊 四分律比丘含注戒本校释/道宣律师著述,学诚法师校释/南山律典校释系列一 北京:宗教文化出版社,2015年 |